Falls in the Home
The most profound effect of falling is the loss of independent functioning. Twenty-five percent of those who fracture a hip require life-long nursing care. About fifty percent of older people who sustain a fall-related injury will be discharged to a nursing home rather than return home.
Most falls do not result in serious injury and of course as a Home Health Agency we have many procedures in place to aid the prevention of falls. However, there is often a psychological impact leading to loss of confidence. Approximately twenty five percent of people aged seventy five or over unnecessarily restrict their activities because of fear of falling. At least one-third of all falls in the elderly involve environmental hazards in the home.
The most common hazard for falls is tripping over objects on the floor. Other factors include poor lighting, loose rugs, lack of grab bars or poorly located/mounted grab bars, and furniture that is not sturdy.
It is useful to conduct a walk-through of your home to identify possible problems that may lead to falling. Assessment by an occupational therapist might also be useful in that they are trained to identify risk factors and recommend appropriate actions. TenderCare Services assess homes for safety at the start of a case.
Prevention measures to take can include:
• Engage regularly (e.g., every other day for about 15 minutes daily) in exercise designed to increase muscle and bone strength, and to improve balance and flexibility. Many people enjoy walking and swimming.
• Undertake daily activities in a safe manner, such as reaching and bending properly, taking time to recover balance when rising from a chair or bed, learning the proper way to fall, and learning how to recover after a fall.
• Wear proper fitting, supportive shoes with low heels or rubber soles.
• Have visions checks regularly.
• Making sure your home is well lit.
• Get grab rails fitted in your bathroom areas and use non slip rubber mats.
• Keep walkways and stairs clear and remove loose rugs.
Just a few simple precautions like the ones above can help you to stay independent in your own home for longer.
For more information, please call toll free on: 1877-263-3570